Meet Terri

Poplar Paper Co. is owned by Nova Scotian artist Terri Buckland. Terri makes art and greeting cards that are often inspired by the beautiful scenery of the Maritime provinces. Terri is primarily a watercolour artist, and uses this foundation to create digital watercolour images.
Hi! I’m Terri! I live in the beautiful seaside community of Lunenburg County with my beloved wife and our furry children. I own two small businesses, Poplar Paper Co. and The Little Red Door Clay Co. Both businesses are a celebration of art, colour, love, the Maritimes and good fun! I am a full time entrepreneur, and have been a small business owner since 2018.
My work as an artist started in 2016. I picked up a paintbrush with the desire to connect to something fun. I had no idea if I could paint! What I discovered was a deep connection to colour and creating. I started a successful Blog called The Little Red Door that centred around furniture painting. My work was featured by some of the biggest names in the DIY industry at that time, and my following on social media grew. At the same time, I began working with watercolour. I discovered an innate talent for this medium. I became fully immersed in my new found talent, making more watercolour creations than I could fit in my home! In 2018, I began dabbling in the artistic medium of polymer clay. I shared a pair of earrings I created with clay for myself on social media, and before I knew it The Little Red Door Clay Co. was born. This business was incredibly successful, and so it became my sole focus.
In 2020, Covid hit and a resulting world wide polymer clay shortage ground The Little Red Door Clay Co. to a halt. It was just as well; I had so many ideas that I wanted to bring forth into my business
that I hadn’t had time to develop. Namely: an art and greeting card line. I wanted to revive my passion for watercolour, painting, and making greeting cards. The break that the pandemic naturally created was my opportunity!
Poplar Paper Co. was born.
Two years later, in 2022, I resigned from my position as a Registered Nurse. As a full time business owner, I feel incredibly blessed to be able to pursue a career as an artist, and earn a living through creative talent and small business.

I allow my intuition to guide my creations, trusting that the messages and artwork will touch and serve the collective consciousness as ideas are brought into fruition. As part of the creative process, I strive to remain authentic, intuitive and vulnerable.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoy giving Poplar Paper goodness to others as much as I enjoy making it!

“Work is Love made Visible” –Khalil Gibran